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The COVID Files; Day 6… or 7… possibly 9

Been a minute since I was here. While I was away, there were a few more headaches -nothing serious; I assure you I have had a worse time with hangovers. I’ve had to clear my throat from time to time to allow my voice to operate at its best. Despite all this, I still identify…

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Breaking (and entering) News!

A young woman identified only as Mama Deborah has stepped forward and added her two cents to the Gay Pastor saga. After it was revealed that Kayanja paid his alleged victim shs.2m, Deborah said she would have let him take her using whichever point of entry he desired and she would have charged less. “The…

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Welcome To Uganda.

Welcome to Uganda. It’s a tiny little country in the Eastern bit of Africa. Almost everyone that comes here falls in love with the place. To date, the only person that is not too crazy about this place is John Amos. Remember him? He is the dude that starred in Roots as Kunta Kinte. It…

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Not a snob…as such

I am not a snob. Seriously. I just like to think that certain things are beneath me. The problem is, I have the number one sign that someone maybe a snob. I am too bloody quick to defend myself and attempt to link myself to a certain class/group of individuals. You know that thing where…

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