the blog.

Barber Black Sheep

I’ve been getting a couple of ‘you’re lost’s lately. Some were borne out of sincere concern from people I have been intentionally avoiding and as such who have every right to point out that I have not been ‘common in their faces’. With them saying shit like that, i don’t think I need to get…

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In other news. . .

I have the flu, but let’s not make this post about that. I got an award from Sleek…I’m supposed to brag, but I don’t have that in me. Well, I could try, but shit, what could I say that you don’t know already? I be the realest, got posts so fly they should be up…

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Finger Of Spinch

Welcome to Uganda III: We Value Fingers The big news this week was not so much the fact that gays had launched a recruitment drive…hang on, was that this week? And which generation actually felt that this was news? Fine, I thought it was sorta funny that Father Musala had been outed as a homosexual….

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My Neck, My Back Hurts JUST LIKE THAT

Let’s just dive right in shall we. I have Spinal Spondylosis…the condition, not the movie. It is not the reason I walk with a, er, bounce. But it sure as hell is the reason it feels like my ribs are not held together and are engaged in a playful game of poke the lung every…

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déjà vu

Philip wakes up with a start, his forehead awash with sweat. His breathing comes out in spurts and his heart palpitates at an alarming rate.   The room is dark, so it takes him a while to figure out where he is. He reaches around and finds it. The lamp by his bed side. That…

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What Randomness Is This

Allow me to start off by saying I am so freaking sleepy. To that end, this will likely be one of those posts I end abruptly. Truth be told, I am making this up as I go along. I don’t know what I intend to write. I know I have bitched quite a bit about…

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