the blog.

Chapter IV: The Continuation

In a security office somewhere in Bethlehem “Sign up! They said! It will be a great way to channel your aggression! A lot of good that did me!” “I know what you mean Brother Nathaniel, why just the other day I was asked to deal with an 818. Can you believe that? After all that…

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The post with no name yet. . .

Previously in this story From the bright light a sound emerges, kinda loud kinda booming, like those priests in your churches. "Greetings earthlings. We mean you no harm. We come with news that will later be the inspiration for your descendants’ songs!" "Bobo come quick. It’s one of them X-Files. It’s so clear. Hi-Def ain’t…

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{Header} I don’t mean to be way too presumptuous, but I’d like to think you’ve all heard that song…at least Baz has. To tell the truth, it actually sounds nice, but after a few listens (usually in the company of a beverage of your choice) you start to notice certain things. I’ll assume that you…

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You can't handle the tooth…or, The Tooth Hurts

I know, I know. I’m overdoing this tooth thing. I’m sorry. With any luck this is the last time I out up a post on the subject. It better be, I’m running out of tooth related titles. I got round to getting my Root Canal done today, only to find out that it is an…

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Tooth Or Dare

First of all, I’d like to state that I am not trying to start a series of posts dwelling on one thing. It’s actually coincidental that there’s more where this stuff came from, so without prior planning a lot of it carries over and allows me to fill the cavities on my blog. Yes, I…

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Nothing But The Tooth

I was at the dentist’s yesterday. It wasn’t one of those social calls, you realise, I was in pain. I have a condition many refer to as “sensitive tooth”. It actually has a more technical term, but you don’t get to know that until they have stuck some funny strip in your mouth, asked you…

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One For The Road

At some point, dear reader, you are going to be a parent. In fact, you may already be one. Whether you are aware of this, is an entirely different matter. Children are very curious er, things. They ask all sorts of questions. One of the most feared questions, according to the world wide web (considering…

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Oh The Agony. . .

Dear Agony Dude, I hope you can solve my problem. I recently got into a relationship and all was going smoothly, so we decided to take it to the next step. We started to shower together. It seemed to work out fine in the beginning, but lately I’ve noticed something that bothers me. You see,…

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Another IT Joint : ELECTION edition

IT is back again, but I never left. Okay. IT done gone and hit da street, but that don’t mean that IT take S**T from no one. IT ain’t gone go mainstream, IT is still unda-groun. IT just come out to hit y’all wid brand new leak single from Obama and McCain camp. Everybody, wants…

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Random Instance Of Thought: ELECTIONS – USA

Please vote Barry into the White House (Baz, that black-house shit still isn’t funny!) Please you guys. Let Obama win, so that the guy I report to at work doesn’t skip work and leave everything to me. You see, the thing is; dude supports Arsenal and they have been having a less than stellar run…

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