the blog.

Random Instances Of Thought: Fetishes

Okay, so here’s the thing. I’ve had it with being maligned for my girls-in-white-pants fetish. Fortunately, with all you guys rubbishing the whole thing and poking fun at me, I’m almost cured. What can I say, you lot are a wonderful support system. If I ever pick up a nasty drug problem, I know who…

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Where Big Brother is kinda "happy"

This is Big Brother, Munya, please report to the diary room. I repeat, Munya, please report to the diary room, er, pretty please with a cherry on top. Munya: Hi Big Brother, what’s happening Oh, I don’t know, what’s up with you? Munya: Er, well, the task is a bit of a bitch really, nuh’mean?…

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Not a snob…as such

I am not a snob. Seriously. I just like to think that certain things are beneath me. The problem is, I have the number one sign that someone maybe a snob. I am too bloody quick to defend myself and attempt to link myself to a certain class/group of individuals. You know that thing where…

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Remember That BHH From Last Week? or "BHH IMPROMPTUS"

I’d typed out a detailed break down of how stuff went down, but it’s on my home PC and it won’t play nice. So, how about I throw some pix together and we’ll all pretend its all good in tha hood?… Actually, why don’t you add your own captions to the mix… *UPDATE* I’ve managed…

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The Thing about Mer-people

  I was having a chat with a pal recently over possible holiday destinations now that Christmas is upon us. IT really is, the slut outside Capital Pub was wearing a tank top with the words XMAS SPECIAL screaming at me so loud, I was happy to see the Boda guy take some initiative and…

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The Chameleone Chronicles – Part I

Daniella: Do your thing, wama. Go gerrem Tiger! Chameleone: What? How dare you? How can you call me Tiger?! Are you comparing me to Mad Tiger? Daniella: No, Sweerie, I… Chameleone: Shut up, Mambo Bado! I am Reptile, him animal. Even worse, Animal with stripes. Me I am nice like butterfly, Kipepeo! Daniella: I’m sorry….

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Back for the first time…again

The newspapers seem to be choke-full of material to play around with. And to appreciate some of this stuff, you need to look deep within and find your sense  of humour…or that inner sadist. Take for instance this story: Chameleone Falls From Arusha Hotel If, like me, you are not too crazy about clicking random…

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BBA 3: The Second Eviction: Farewell Desert Walker

TK pulls a move that I dare say was pretty smart. Saying that he replaced himself with the lady he figured stood the lowest chances of being evicted if she was nominated. Oh shit! He replaced himself with Hillary Clinton! Wait, why is Lucille looking really down? The sleeping pill was TK’s replacement? Oh yeah,…

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