the blog.

What's in a name anyway?

My English Language teachers would be really upset if I went with the intro I’d planned for this. You know how it is, “a sentence does not begin with words like ‘so’”. I don’t know. English has greatly evolved since those days in class with a certain teacher that, well, boring is just rude, said…

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because everyone has pix up. . .

So I couldn’t sleep, right, and then my teeth were killing me, right, so I started thinking about life and stuff, specifically, where I am in life, you know, how long will i be this way, what will it be like when i get older, how come i have ignored punctuation in this post, when…

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Another sick note…

So I had a cough and cold the other day… well to be perfectly honest it was over a series of days. I don’t know where this stuff comes from, but when it arrives it puts me down so bad. I can’t do a thing in that state. Except wallow. I do a lot of…

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missed calls

Last night was a trip; he’s never had a hangover this bad. There are gaps, blank spaces from the night past of which memories refuse to form. There are bits and pieces, but that’s all. The phone rings. And rings. And rings. He wants to ignore it. Call back later, he tries to will his…

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a night's tale

10pm Savannah… that place on your way to Muyenga… or from it. . . Heineken brought to the table. Can is opened. . . a sip taken. Water is ordered. Medicine swallowed. . . back to Heineken. . . Change of venue suggested. Pangs of hunger manifest. Pizza recommended…   11pm She who shall not…

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The Thing about Life : Super Abilities

So I’m watching this thing on Nickelodeon… first off, I’d like to state that I did die a little inside when watching this station. I hate myself for laughing at SpongeBob‘s shite. I feel like a part of me has been taken and kept on some shelf in Annoying Animation Heaven. I am glad to…

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Character Assassination : The Beginning

Man I hate bullets. It’s not so much the whole “they kill people thing”. I know they do, but I am not afraid of death. We all have to die some time, right? I made my peace with that. The thing about bullets, and I’m sure you’ll agree, is that they hurt. A lot! And…

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I haven’t been here in a minute, Been toiling away, Devoid of a life social, That cool new movie? Nuh, I haven’t seen it. And now, for some reason unfathomable, I can’t sleep for too long. I wake up after three hours, Sorta routine, like some kinda timetable. I want to be able to construct…

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To the power company. . .with venom

I write you a letter; scratch that, a poem, I’ve tried every approach, but the words, I guess are too big, You simply don’t know ‘em. So here’s another attempt, borne out of a cut wire, The approach, Different in every way entire.   It pisses me off no end, knowing I’m stuck with you,…

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Shots in the dark

This is ridiculous. No actually, maybe not. With the way this night has been going, I suppose something had to give. I’d have to be an idiot to expect anything “normal’ to happen. Yvette’s dead, I did not leave the room and I saw no harm in getting it on with a whore. Yeah, seems…

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