the blog.

So I Say Thank You For The Moslems

“So I say Thank you for the music Moslems, the songs Im singing fast they ended Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing Who can live without it ‘em, I ask in all honesty What would life be? Without a song or a dance moon or a star What are we? So I say thank…

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Big Brother Africa Week 10: Now Showing; BBTV

Bertha is out! I hope you lot are pleased with yourselves. Would it have been too much to vote the Faux-Akon out? I mean, dude’s got fewer letters in his name that would have been a shorter text to send. Really, Africa! The above rant brought to you in part, by RAGE! That hot stuff…

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Re: plan my party

Its been a tedious process coming up with something that works for all and sundry and I hope I have this figured out. First off,THANKS a lot for all the ideas. They were dully noted. The final verdict is thus… we shall party in a tunnel with stripping teddy bears hook up and party in…

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One year, One week later…

You get the feeling, as you grow older, that something will change, that you can look back and feel a certain sense of accomplishment. It doesn’t always work that way. Yes, I can take a walk down memory lane and reminisce and feel pretty good about the year gone by…but I find that it is…

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Big Brother Africa Week 9: Rise of the OTHERS

The Cow of the South is out of the pen. She had her party, said our girl has the personality of a spatula and then probably made her bed wet again…Lerato’s bed, not Maureen’s. That would have just been weird. What isn’t weird are Bertha and Kwaku’s nominations. How else would that have played out?…

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Because you asked… The BHH piece

The “-logue” that comes at the beginning Time check: 6:00pm Location: My Office… not in an “I have my own office, with windows and a desk and what not” sort of way. I’m engaged in some very serious issues. Nuh, kidding, I’m just chatting with the blogger known from time to time as Rev. I…

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Well, I never…

“I have never” is a nice variation on that awesome game we like to call 5 fingers! I suck at 5 fingers and have been known to cheat at it, but I rock like Jinja (I’m sorry!) at “I have never”. I was at this house party thingy over the weekend and we were playing…

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Big Brother Africa Week 7: The one with no eviction!

If I had my way, these are some of the headlines you’d see: Double Loss Mazongoto! First the dime, then the dame! Max-imum Loss. Okay, here’s the article now…I just love how things played out last week, don’t you? Max’s eviction was facilitated by pretty much the whole continent. The only people that didn’t want…

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