the blog.

Life, The Weekend and All That Jazz

LIFE   I’ve been staying in Bugolobi since Tuesday last week. There are a couple of internet cafes and all, but for some reason I feel disinclined to the whole idea of paying for my internet. This is quite strange given that back-back then when the internet had been introduced to Ugandans through little rooms…

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Big Brother Africa Week 3: Got Beef?

MTN has this really cool advert where they remind us that its through them that we can get rid of the conniving backstabbing SON OF A, then they stop there, lingering, letting us figure it out on our own. Which has been surprisingly hard to figure out given that the two nominees up for eviction…

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Tagged: The Sequel

Nga don’t I get Tagged again? I know I know, tagging is like so last year, I know, right! But anyway, given that I’ve got like, you know, nothing to write right now, lemme give in…in any case, this one was going to be a Random Drive-By Post… you know the rules, here’s me! 1….

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Big Brother Africa Week 2: Let me tell you a story…

Maureen opened up yet again! This week she discussed spirituality and her thing for being naked…all in the same breath! In a manner of speaking I suppose that’s the Garden of Eden syndrome. She found solace in Kwaku, who I think will nominate Justice. This week brought a startling revelation from Meryl who observed that…

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I’d like to attribute my absence to the fact that I got a job, but that hasn’t stopped loads of bloggers I know. I’d like to claim that given the heat that was radiating off of the ‘sphere last week, I took a back seat to watch and enjoy it. What? Guilty pleasure. You and…

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Introducing Big Brother Africa… the second time

The South African field presenter is a lady with no hair, the dude in Ghana is a Jack bauer wannabe, Ladies and Gentlemen; Big Brother Africa: Part 2. Awesome, Big Brother has given us a montage of the last BBA. Which is good, considering I’d forgotten about Stefan and his blow-up dolls. Kabelo is our…

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The Ugandan Blogumentary: A Walkthrough

I’m doing this in real time..I am writing this as I watch coz I have a spade’s ability to recall stuff. Also, I have to keep darting back and forth so I can work on a Big Brother Africa recap. Please note that I do NOT appear in this documentary. My stunt double does, sporting…

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Drink our tap water, its tha shit!

  Some time during the course of the week, (Monday, I believe it was). It was reported that Kampala tap water has got faeces (there’s a word I didn’t think would ever appear on my blog). This is a little worrying for people that are keen on tap water. It also means that the dude…

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Guest Starring; Mr. Robin Thicke

Oprah: Today we have a very special guest ladies and gentlemen. We’ve got…. IVAN! Ivan…. WE are glad… arehere! Isn’t that right audience?Aren’t we glad audience? So Ivan, how does…it…feel? But before you answer, that is the title of the number one book on….. MY BOOKCLUB!!!!! How-Does- I.T. F33L? ((((((audience screams. Someone coughs. There’s a…

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The CHOGM one

I’d started typing this thing out with the intention of posting something sensational. Arousing ire or whatever emotions were aroused, when this went up. What you have instead is a first paragraph choke-full of innuendo and a very stupid next lot of paragraphs that introduces the meat of the matter. I figured I’d go into…

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