the blog.

But I need the money…

I’ll be the first to acknowledge that I hadn’t thought through the evangelical mission I had intended to undertake (ya think?!). But at the end of the day, and I assure you this day is much longer than Jack Bauer’s, I am still into money. Concordantly, I have come up with another idea. I am…

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See,I've been thinking…

I’d like to state for the record that I am not working….or employed…or whatever. The plus side is that my current state has given me some time to think. Most of the thoughts, I’m sure you’ll relate, pertain to making money. I haven’t been this innovative since that time when I decided I wanted to…

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Excuse Me Mr. President…

Hi Mr. President, This is kinda late, but you know how it is, problems with mail delivery and what not. Its just nasty. You just can’t get good service anymore. Everyone’s worked up, got conspiracy theories and stuff. Man! The good news is, I have nothing better to do, so it looks a lot like…

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Are you kiddin' me?

I’m not a kid person. I don’t mean I loathe them or anything, but I know I won’t be gushing over them the way lesser mortals do. I’m not going to go all “goo-goo ga-ga” and make faces at them. I’m not Jim Carrey. I will also-and this is a fact- not think its cute…

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Gettin' A Move On

This blog exists for the simple reason that some people can not access my other blog Also, I want to see how I can tweak themes here.

The Anopheles Cometh

I have malaria. I realize its starting to look like anyone that mentions the BHH comes down with it, but I assure you its purely coincidental. In fact, I am certain mine was lying dormant way before the BHH announcement came up. The parasites, it would appear, were swimming along grandly in my blood without…

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7 Instances of Randomness

1. Is it possible for someone to get pregnant as a result of someone standing way too close whilst lining up?2. Do Customer service attendants in various organizations meet up and compare notes on how they messed up someone’s day?3. I’m listening to the radio and that chic that sounds like she’s suffering from constipation…

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er, excuse me Your Excellency…

I can call you that can’t I? The whole your Excellency thing? I mean, I realize, as you probably have that things are spiraling out of hand. Heck, is it just me or are you in the backseat as well? Gils said there was a mafia type arrangement in the government, but I kinda put…

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