the blog.

And so it starts…

He stares at the sky. Tries to make some sense of it, but he can’t. This is different. He looks at the sheet of paper before him and utters a sigh. No one had foreseen this. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. The newspapers were filled with stories of strange happenings. “Miracles”, was oft the term…

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The story so far…

The story so far… The power company did me in. I realize it sounds like some song now, and yeah, I’m with you…I am SO SICK of it, but that’s what happens. Called them up and they told me the situation was under control. I think that’s code for, “You are sooo f**ked!” coz that’s…

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Pickin' Up The Pieces

Like most tales, this one is about me. And yet, when you think about it, as oft you must have, the lead character in this tale could just as easily be you. For you see, sooner or later, we all get high. For some it’s a mild thing that has them fall to the floor…

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A dash of Hydrogen, 2 Pieces of Oxygen

We have a water shortage! And by “we” I mean the country and by “shortage” I mean that… well, there’s a shortage of sorts. This has basically resulted in a great deal of power cuts and numerous articles or stories or whatever dwelling on the same theme.None of these have been solution oriented, everybody has…

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My Friend, Why You Are Not Kona-Dancing…%^&* You

Hitmen don’t do crap! Builders scare me more!Yeah sure, if for some reason a hitman put a gun to my forehead and while sputtering uttered the words DODGE THIS (because they need some sort of catchy phrase to sign out with!) I’d pee on myself because in my mind’s eye, the visual woud be that…

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Life's Not Really A Beach!

So… We were hanging out and I was, when you really think about it, up in the sky with birds. Then my pal comes over and says there’s some kick-ass plan. Depending on your expectations in life, “kick ass” can refer to anything ranging from poking little toddlers to going out and getting wasted at…

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The One with Loads of dots

I went to an internet café…Its been ages, but clearly I haven’t missed much. The keyboard I’m using feels kinda sticky so it simply follows that after this thing I will have stickyfingers…I would have added a hot male with sticky fingers in a bid to reference my email address,but that would not work coz…

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My Green Mile

Typically, the Green mile is the stretch a person takes on their way to the execution room…or place or whatever…Mine, it’s the stretch I have to take on my way to the clinic to go through what Darlkom feels comfortable calling “that which we may not mention”. The rest of you can join me in…

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How're You Doin' ? Good? Tomorrow's my birthday…

I’m in pain. So much so, the rest of this piece will be written in the style of a Telenovela… Pains of Life I’m not okay. In fact, I am not well. You see, the thing is (gratuitous use of a term of endearment coming up) my love, I am in pain. And its not…

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